Samriddhi College
Samriddhi college
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Best IT College in Nepal
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Samriddhi college is one of the best IT college Nepal. Samriddhi college offers hight- quality education equal to the most renowned institions worldwide. we reday our graduates for the globalized marketplace with both 
theroretical and practical modalites working in partnership with a number of top colleges in the united states and beyond. 

We at Samriddhi believe that there are cross-learning opportunities among students and faculty across the range of academic streams that it offers leading to holistic learning outcomes. Along those lines, we have strategies in place to ensure that such opportunities are indeed materialized going forward. Our course offerings are strongly anchored to demand side imperatives and embrace market-oriented approach. For example, we take extra measures to ensure that our ICT courses are aligned with the dynamism shaping the sector characterized by rapid technological progress and their ramifications in the market. Similarly, our business studies and  social-work academic streams are geared towards providing students with foundational insights aligned with contemporary knowledge and practical grounding required to succeed in those areas.
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